Bacon comes from the side of a pig. The meat is cured and is usually smoked. It's the fat that gives bacon the flavour but it's not a big worry as after you cook it you can always drain the fatty oil out. You can always buy low fat and low sodium versions of bacon and a variety of flavours. It can also be taken from the back or the stomach of a pig. Also you can get beef, lamb, chicken, goat and turkey meat can be cured to resemble bacon, such as turkey bacon which can be bought in a variety of stores. It can be eaten fried, grilled and baked.
Researchers report they have created pigs that produce Omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to improve heart function and help reduce the risk for heart diseases.
"To stimulate production of omega-3 fatty acids in pigs, a team led by Dr.
Dai transferred a gene known as fat-1 to pig primary fetal fibroblasts, the
cells that give rise to connective tissue.Dr. Prather's group then created the
transgenic pigs from these cells using a method called nuclear transfer cloning.
The transgenic pig tissues were then analyzed for omega-3 fatty acids in Dr.
Kang's lab at MGH and by Drs. Dai and Evans at Pitt. The fat-1 gene is
responsible for creating an enzyme that converts less desirable, but more
abundant, omega-6 fatty acids in the animals to omega-3 fatty acids. The results
could lead to a better understanding of cardiovascular function not only in
pigs, but in humans as well. "
Well you've heard how bacon is bad for you and can lead to certain cancers but acording to a study from Dr. Alber Gruber. He said, "My research has found that three strips of crispy, mouthwatering bacon every morning can actually reduce cholesterol and help slow the aging process." He also said, "What's more, the bacon's positive effects are enhanced when combined with milk shakes and/or marijuana." In 1997 Gruber made a very outrageous claim that i shalln't and probably aren't alowed to say and was awarded 9 Nobel Prizes in Medicine for discovering it. This contains an in depth analysis of the nutrition facts of bacon and other products
When we think about bad breathing we usually think of cigarettes and other infamous things that harm the lungs but have you ever thought that what you sometimes eat for breakfast could destroy your lungs? A new study shows that bacon is high in nitres which can harm a persons lungs and breathing.
The study showed that people who eat bacon 14 times or more in a month were twice as likely to develop Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The condition known as COPD refers to a number of breathing diseases and respiratory issues.
Chronic bronchitis is when the airways of the patient are tightened and obstructed by mucus which in turn causes labored breathing. Sound like fun, eh? Well, it gets worse! COPD can also lead to the notorious condition known as Emphysema. Emphysema is when tiny air sacks known as alveoli in a persons lungs are damaged. The sacks become overstretched and old air gets trapped in them which does not permit new fresh air into the lungs.