8:35 AM

Testimony 4 (Bacon that is good for you? )

Posted by FishOfTheU.K.

Researchers report they have created pigs that produce Omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to improve heart function and help reduce the risk for heart diseases.

"To stimulate production of omega-3 fatty acids in pigs, a team led by Dr.
Dai transferred a gene known as fat-1 to pig primary fetal fibroblasts, the
cells that give rise to connective tissue.Dr. Prather's group then created the
transgenic pigs from these cells using a method called nuclear transfer cloning.
The transgenic pig tissues were then analyzed for omega-3 fatty acids in Dr.
Kang's lab at MGH and by Drs. Dai and Evans at Pitt. The fat-1 gene is
responsible for creating an enzyme that converts less desirable, but more
abundant, omega-6 fatty acids in the animals to omega-3 fatty acids. The results
could lead to a better understanding of cardiovascular function not only in
pigs, but in humans as well. "